

Description #

To support consumers that leverage lit-html, Spectrum Web Components also vends a directive to further simplify the management of content conditional to whether or not the Overlay is currently visible.

Usage #

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/overlay

Import the trigger directive as follows:

import { trigger } from '@spectrum-web-components/overlay';

Arguments #

The trigger() directive accepts two arguments:

  • a required method returning the TemplateResult defining the content of the open overlay
() => TemplateResult;
  • an optional options object which is shaped as follows:
    open?: boolean; // Whether the Overlay in question should be rendered open.
    triggerInteraction: TriggerInteraction; // 'click' | 'longpress' | 'hover'
    overlayOptions: OverlayOptions;
    insertionOptions?: InsertionOptions;

OverlayOptions are leveraged in the same way as outlined here and InsertionOptions are leveraged to outline where in the DOM the Overlay should be inserted:

type InsertionOptions = {
    el: HTMLElement | (() => HTMLElement); // returning a reference to the element the Overlay should be inserted adjacent to
    where: InsertPosition; // 'afterbegin' | 'afterend' | 'beforebegin' | 'beforeend'

Examples #

Pass a TemplateResult into the trigger() directive, as follows in order to have it rendered to the DOM when the associated Overlay is about to open and the removed after the Overlay has closed.

<div id="root"></div>

<script type="module">
    import { trigger } from '@spectrum-web-components/overlay';
    import { html, render } from 'lit-html';

    const renderOverlayContent = () => html`
                This content will display within the Overlay and
                be on the DOM when the Overlay is open.

    const template = html`
        <sp-button ${trigger(renderOverlayContent, {
            open: false,
            triggerInteraction: 'click',
            overlayOptions: {
                placement: 'bottom',
                offset: 6,

    customElements.whenDefined('code-example').then(() => {
        Promise.all([...document.querySelectorAll('code-example')].map(example => example.updateComplete)).then(() => {
            const appRoot = document.querySelector('#root');
            appRoot.innerHTML = '';
            render(template, appRoot);